Expanded Viles Arboretum Table Tour draws nearly 300

TURNER PUBLISHING • February 21, 2022

The Table Tour fundraiser, held at Viles Arboretum on Super Bowl Sunday each year, this year served nearly 300 people. The Feb. 13 event raised more than $8,000 for the small nonprofit, providing money that will directly support Viles Arboretum and its mission to provide educational, recreational, and inspirational opportunities through the conservation of the natural environment. Attendees set out on a one-mile snowy trek where they enjoyed soup, a turkey dinner, tacos and warm cookies, all prepared in the Arboretum’s commercial kitchen by its staff and board of directors. “This event is more than a fundraiser for us, it’s a great way to get people outdoors and celebrating the Arboretum,” said Ryan Martin, executive director.
This year, the Arboretum doubled the number of available tickets, but still sold out shortly after they became available. A fall Table Tour has been added, to take place in October.