Woolwich lawmaker sponsors bill to help fight browntail moths

SPECTRUM NEWS • February 1, 2022

Betsey Miller owns property in Maine, but her experience with browntail moths last spring was so severe, it drove her to go to an emergency clinic. Miller was one of six people to testify at a public hearing in favor of LD 1929, “An Act to Provide Assistance to Areas Severely Infested with Browntail Moths.” Sponsored by Rep. Allison Hepler (D-Woolwich), the bill calls for the state to create a $150,000 program that allows local cities and towns or nonprofits to apply for funding to control the moths. It also adds two state entomologist positions at a cost of $189,074. “As the browntail moth infestation has moved, it’s now clearly an issue of statewide public health significance,” said Rebecca Graham of the municipal association.