Letter: Maine fuel aid bill’s defeat shows conservative group’s clout

MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM • December 18, 2022

It is important that voters check the backgrounds of those whom we elect. For example, Republican state Sens. Trey Stewart and Matt Harrington voted “no” on Gov. Mills’ emergency energy relief bill as heating oil prices skyrocket. Both are members of the American Legislative Exchange Council, funded by right-wing corporations. Also casting a “no” vote was state Sen. Eric Brakey, who came to the state in 2012 as director of Ron Paul’s unsuccessful presidential campaign. Brakey has garnered a lot of out-of-state money to run for a number of elected offices. The failure of Republican Sens. Jeff Timberlake and Matthew Pouliot to show up gave Stewart’s, Harrington’s and Brakey’s votes more power for the emergency fuel assistance bill to fail. Beware, more obstruction to come. ~ Patrick Eisenhart, Lewiston