Review: Susan Hand Shetterly’s latest book captures the nature of ‘place’

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • December 16, 2022

“Notes on the Landscape of Home” (Down East Books, 2022) by Susan Hand Shetterly is an exceptional collection of essays from a writer undoubtedly grounded in both time and place. For the reader, Shetterly offers clarity of place, both the place she calls home or any situation that affords her a quiet moment. When that happens — when time and place come together — she captures a pure reflective experience. In one essay the night sky is revealed as a shared constant in a forever-changing world. And like that hunter Orion who wanted to rid the world of the wild, Shetterly reminds in “Children of Orion,” that it is wildness that must remain the one true constant — to be protected by all costs. ~ RJ Heller