Letter: Community needs more from American Aquafarms than recent video

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 28, 2022

Something smells fishy. Hancock County residents have been waiting since November for the community conversation America Aquafarms promised to have with those of us directly impacted by the proposed out-sized fish farm in Frenchman’s Bay and the processing and sludge disposal operation at the Maine Fair Trade property in Prospect Harbor. The recently released video by American Aquafarms is not a conversation. It is nothing more than self-serving propaganda. What is AA hiding? Frenchmans Bay United has provided volumes of evidence on the detrimental impact this foreign company’s endeavor could have. American Aquafarms continues to hide from those who will most be affected by their self-serving, profit-driven proposal — all of us who live here, work here, love it here. ~ Kathleen McFadden, Prospect Harbor