Letter: Rethinking meat consumption to help save the planet

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 18, 2022

For special occasions our family loves a good corn-fed Nebraska steak — which we have reduced to two or three times a year, max. This is a no-brainer in an era when we must create serious change to save our planet. Our family’s new favorite dishes include plant-based Impossible Burger and Impossible Sausage which we now prefer over hamburger and pork sausage. One pound of ground beef requires 440 gallons of water. Due to the ruminant traits of beef and lamb, meat production emits  hundreds of billions of pounds of methane annually. Imagine feeding our planet while decreasing this amount of methane on our planet. People should consider changing their diet. It will make us all feel better in so many ways! ~ Patricia Stowell and Peter VerLee, Bangor