A Tale of Two Rivers: Dam removal and fish restoration on the Kennebec River


The Kennebec was once the most productive river in Maine, supporting Atlantic salmon runs in the hundreds of thousands, and runs of shad and river herring in the millions. Today, the future of the Kennebec River is at a critical point. Atlantic salmon are on the brink of extinction, and their recovery depends on further restoration of the Kennebec. Four dams above Waterville stand in the way of a free and healthy Kennebec, blocking access to many miles of historic spawning and rearing habitat. This year the Maine Legislature will consider a bill intended to prevent removal of these dams. Restoration on the Kennebec/Sandy is critical to meeting Recovery Goals for endangered salmon. Jeff Reardon, Maine Brook Trout Project Director for Trout Unlimited, and Sean Mahoney, of the Conservation Law Foundation in Maine, explain.