Column: Proper footwear and caution are required for this treacherous icy hike in Grafton Notch

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • January 10, 2022

The mid-December drive from my home in Topsham to Grafton Notch in western Maine was typical for early winter. The terrain in the coastal plain was dry. Entering the foothills, a shallow layer of snow blanketed wooded areas. Packed in the car were three different types of boots. Still, I wasn’t prepared for what was encountered at the Puzzle Mountain trailhead: The entire parking lot was covered with a thick layer of hard ice. Alas, I hadn’t brought full crampons or ice skates. Given my inventory of footwear alternatives, winter boots and microspikes were the best choice available. The climb took more than three hours, far longer than normal. We found a location sheltered from the wind to savor the spectacular views. Taking our time and carefully plotting strategies at each problematic location, five seniors not acting their ages completed the entire trek without a solitary fall. ~ Ron Chase