TIMES RECORD • September 24, 2021
First CMP tried to distance its abysmal reputation from the CMP corridor project, designed to deliver power to Massachusetts through the heart of western Maine. Many saw through this ploy and, despite being subjected to a $30 million PR campaign, Mainers remained unconvinced that it’s a good deal. Now, just weeks before Election Day, CMP has again shifted tactics. Now, they don’t mention the project at all. CMP has propped up new organizations and hired new spokespeople to spread fear and misinformation about Question 1. My hope is that Mainers again see through CMP’s nonsense. Question 1 does NOT: Create retroactivity — this already exists in statute. Question 1 does: Affirm the Legislature and the court’s finding that the lease to cross public lands cannot be hashed out behind closed doors. Vote yes Question 1 to ban the CMP Corridor on Nov. 2. ~ Sandra Howard, Say NO to NECEC, Caratunk