BEST LIFE • September 23, 2021
While the vast majority of pests you find in your home or garden are relatively benign, entomology experts say that one particular insect is not only a nuisance but may present a serious risk to humans and should be drowned to prevent them from spreading. In 2021, parts of New England have become overrun with browntail moths, an invasive species that present risk to both plant life and humans. The moths have been declared a "public health nuisance" by multiple local government agencies within New England. According to The University of Maine, the moths, which are native to Europe, have spread rapidly throughout New England and parts of Canada over the past 150 years. Tom Schmeelk, an entomologist with the Maine Forest Service, says that browntail moths had compromised approximately 150,000 acres of trees in 2020 alone. If you happen to see a browntail moth or caterpillar, killing it is the best course of action, experts say