PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • September 1, 2021
New England Clean Energy Connect and CMP have for years used deceptive practices to support their corridor project. CMP received uninformed approvals from leaders of some towns along the corridor after promising lower taxes. A few outfitters in The Forks region supported CMP because of the promise of money and coveted land along the Kennebec River. CMP entered a secret agreement with Gov. Paul LePage, and later with Gov. Janet Mills and the Bureau of Parks and Lands, to illegally cross public lands. CMP expanded the corridor from 54 feet to over 100 feet wide. Most of this happened before the corridor proposal was even announced to the public. When publicly announced, opposition sprang up overnight. Call me a NIMBY, but in this case it means “Not in Maine’s Back Yard.” ~ Ed Buzzell, Pittsfield