BANGOR DAILY NEWS • August 15, 2021
I was disappointed to read that Gov. Mills is earmarking close to $20 million in taxpayer COVID-19 relief money to “modernize two hatcheries, and install upgrades at all eight of the [Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife] hatcheries.” Is this really a top priority? Is it fair to the non-fishing masses? Is it even the right thing to do? The idea that stocking is the most important component of Maine’s recreational fisheries completely ignores what Maine is best known for: wild native fish. To promote the stocking of hatchery-raised fish, many of which are non-native, over wild native fish, including some found primarily or solely in Maine, is a disservice. Stocking is an economic black hole that diverts funds from habitat work, reclamation, land acquisition, public access and law enforcement. Many anglers take more money in stocked fish than their license pays for. The system only works because it is subsidized by sportsmen who do not fish for, or harvest, stocked trout. ~ Bob Mallard