Letter: NECEC: A comedy of errors in several acts


The whole New England Clean Energy Connect debacle is a perverted comedy of errors. Back room deals about Maine public lands. Legislators verified a 102-foot wide right of way, a clear violation of the contract with CMP. The DEP said they would “disregard” the report for the time being. Huh? A “local foreman” from Wisconsin and was hired by CMP/NECEC. He knew nothing about the CMP permit conditions under which he was working. More exciting episodes follow: “The lobbying ‘NGO’ Clean Energy Matters changes its name to Clean Money Matters More,” “DEP Commissioner Melanie Loyzim is still searching for her spine,” and “CMP finally learns how to use a tape measure” are just some of the tantalizing new episodes. The grand finale: “Facts and honesty defeat money and power.” Wouldn’t that be the last laugh? ~ Richard Aishton, Farmington