BANGOR DAILY NEWS • July 13, 2021
The Act to Implement the Maine Indian Claims Settlement of 1980 contains provisions that restrict the Wabanaki tribes’ self-determination and deny the tribes access to the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by 570 other federally recognized tribes under federal Indian law. The Maine Legislature recently carried over a bill, L.D. 1626, that would make changes to the implementing act. In 2018, candidate Janet Mills repeated her intention to be a governor who would bring people together and heal divisions. She gave, as an example of healing, the success of the Penobscot River Restoration Project. She was right, I believe. If we think of making changes to the Settlement Act as the Tribal Self-determination Restoration Project, we would be on the right track toward the healing that would benefit us all. ~ John Maddaus, member of the Committee on Indian Relations of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine