Expected Janet Mills veto will shift utility takeover debate from Legislature to voters

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • July 13, 2021

Supporters of a consumer-owned utility are expected to mount a referendum bid if the governor vetoes their bill on Tuesday. It is the last day for Mills to sign or veto a proposal that would ask voters to buy out the infrastructure of Maine’s two dominant utilities and institute a consumer-owned utility run by an elected board. A veto is likely, since the Democratic governor has spoken out and whipped lawmakers against it. Leading Central Maine Power Co. critic Rep. Seth Berry and other supporters are already shifting their attention to the ballot box as they plan to pursue a traditional referendum by collecting signatures to get the utility change on the 2022 ballot if a veto is successful. It would tack on at least another year of political strife for CMP with a question challenging its $1 billion hydropower corridor project set for the November ballot.