BANGOR DAILY NEWS • July 8, 2021
We as baby boomers screwed up. Our West Coast is on fire. A lengthening and strengthening hurricane season is once again beating down the East Coast. The interior of our nation is either drying up or drowning in floods. The world is feeling the effect of the heating of our planet by forcing mass migrations, starvation, and wars. My grandchildren’s futures will be based on a planet that has become angry at what has been done to it. There is no politics here. Just reality. My generation has to ally up with the generation that will define the future in order to preserve it for my grandchildren. We’ve marched in the streets as we watched our planet change to a point where it may not be able to support life, but all our leaders seem to be interested in is accumulating enough money to stay in power. I implore my fellow baby boomers to unite with their grandchildren who we want to have lives in a world we all want to be wonderful. I don’t know how to do this, but I do know it has to be. ~ Jim Fabiano, York