Column: President was wrong to mock gun rights

SUN JOURNAL • July 10, 2021

Most of us who hunt in Maine are gun owners. Guns are a hunter’s tool, like a hoe for a gardener, or 7-iron for a golfer. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, in my view, is the only shield that has kept the political left in this country from dispossessing us of our firearms and our hunting heritage. President Joe Biden recently mocked these coveted constitutional guarantees in a speech about his plan to control ever-increasing gun violence in American cities. Until law and order is restored, existing gun laws are enforced and the law enforcement community is respected and funded, and civic responsibility is resurrected by all levels of American leadership, this country’s descent into lawlessness and urban madness can only spiral downward. Those of us who value our hunting heritage but refuse to get involved, do so at our own peril. ~ V. Paul Reynolds