Brunswick officials consider 20-year solar contract to power municipal, school buildings

TIMES RECORD • June 3, 2021

To reduce electric expenses and shrink Brunswick’s carbon footprint, town officials are considering solar energy options to power municipal and school buildings. In a joint town council and school board workshop Wednesday, Economic Development Director Sally Costello laid out a recommendation that would enter Brunswick into a 20-year, off-site contract through ReVision Energy for up to 70% of the combined municipal and school electric expenses. If approved, the contract could save the town over $1.6 million during the 20-year term. Brunswick Town Councilor Steve Walker said that while he is all for solar energy, he has seen thousands of acres of Maine farmland, rare natural ecosystems and wetlands being developed for solar. “If it’s rooftop or if it’s brown field, I’m all in, but if there is a way that we could screen for actually green energy verses green-washed energy, that’s my concern,” he said.