Column: Is the high cost of Atlantic salmon recovery worth it?

SUN JOURNAL • June 19, 2021

Millions of federal and private dollars have been spent in the U.S. trying to recover our Atlantic salmon, which is an endangered species. According to the Atlantic Salmon Federation, “The recovery plan itself estimates that it could take up to 75 years, or 15 generations, for salmon to meet the recovery criteria and be removed from the endangered species list. The plan also…estimates it could take several hundred million dollars over the next 75 years to address the major threats and recover the species.” On the River Tyne in Great Britain, government and volunteer groups worked tirelessly. They fixed pollution sources, cleaned up the river, removed dams, repaired habitat and limed the waterway. And they spent lots and lots of money to make it happen. And it did not take 75 years. ~ V. Paul Reynolds