Recent tragic news stories remind us of the reality of the danger that can present itself in an instant for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Drivers should obey speed limits, wear your seatbelt, and pay attention behind the wheel. Don’t drive impaired or use handheld devices. Be especially careful when passing through work zones. Because of the size and power of their vehicles, drivers carry a special responsibility for ensuring road safety. Bicyclists should ride with traffic, in the street, “as far to the right as practicable” according to state law. Bicyclists are allowed but not required to use shoulders. Where sidewalks and crosswalks exist, walkers should use them. On streets without sidewalks, pedestrians should always walk facing traffic. Remember that we’re all going to be out there together and that we should try to be courteous and respectful of other users’ rights to our public roadways. ~ Joyce Taylor, Maine Department of Transportation, and Jim Tasse, Bicycle Coalition of Maine