Letter: Carbon cash back could cure climate crisis

TIMES RECORD • May 18, 2021

Here in Maine we see the early effects in our warmer and acidifying ocean, and strange weather patterns. We know that we need to shift to renewable energy and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels to protect ourselves, our children and grandchildren from their adverse effects. We can do this quickly and simply by putting a price or a fee on carbon, in coal, oil and gas, as it is removed from the earth. The cost of things will rise, speeding our shift to renewable energy. All the money raised by a price on carbon will then be sent to every US household, a check every month. This plan is called Carbon Cash Back, a bill in Congress now, HR 2307. Carbon Cash Back is our best “ounce of prevention” for all of our futures. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. ~ Averil Fessenden, Brunswick