Letter: Summit pipeline wouldn’t have helped Maine’s energy picture


In a recent op-ed regarding “resistance to good clean-energy projects” (May 7), Dana Connors, CEO of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, an educated and informed opinion leader, chose to lament the termination of a project (Summit Natural Gas’ midcoast pipeline plan) that is decidedly not an example of renewable or green energy. Natural gas is just a plain old fossil fuel, and it doesn’t help even if it is comparatively shorter lasting than CO2. But yes, we definitely should be lamenting the NIMBY syndrome when it comes to offshore wind, onshore wind, solar farms, hydropower and electric grid enhancement. All these carry enormous potential for jobs and other economic benefit as well. If everyone’s backyard is off limits to the infrastructure needed to replace fossil fuels, the sky – that is, the atmosphere – is the ultimate limit, and we’ve very nearly reached it. ~ Cynthia Stancioff, Chesterville