SUN JOURNAL • April 30, 2021
Lawmakers are eyeing the creation of a new Maine Forest Advisory Board to offer insight and advice to policymakers. The bill drew mostly favorable comments at a hearing, but not everyone is on board. Patty Cormier, director of the Maine Forest Service, said, “We do not believe that the formation of a new board that largely duplicates existing and ongoing functions is the best way to achieve these goals.” Dana Doran, of the Professional Logging Contractors of Maine, said he would like to see instead an organization in the executive branch “whose sole mission is to work on behalf of the forest products economy.” Melanie Sturm, of the Natural Resources Council of Maine, said more than a dozen states have forest advisory boards. Jeff Reardon, of Trout Unlimited, pointed out that other state bureaucracies have similar advisory panels. Eliza Townsend, of the Appalachian Mountain Club, said, “Looking at our forest comprehensively is what is called for as we look to combat climate change, ensure ongoing biodiversity, and support a robust forest products industry.”