Column: Spring can be a stressful time for Maine fishermen

TIMES RECORD • April 8, 2021

Spring is always a busy and somewhat stressful time for commercial fishermen, but this year, there are additional stressors. The market challenges faced during the pandemic have left many fishermen with less of a financial reserve. And, if people in Maine’s fishing industry were banking on things returning to “normal”, they also have to face the reality that what was the old norm no longer exists. Perhaps a silver lining of the pandemic is that mental health, an issue that has plagued many in the fishing community long before 2020, is finally getting some necessary attention and resources. Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association (MCFA), a nonprofit trade group dedicated to restoring commercial fishing in the Gulf of Maine, is one of the local organizations working to provide support for the mental health needs of fishermen. ~ Susan Olcott