MORNING SENTINEL • April 4, 2021
Caleb Jones, 28, of Oakland, is up at 4:30 a.m. most days so he can head out to set and tend his beaver traps. They are all over Kennebec County, where he has planned a route and set traps in large waterways. Recreational trapping season in Maine begins in mid-October and ends April 15. After that trapping seasons ends, people who want beavers removed from their property because the rodents chew through their trees can call Jones. Jones charges $100 to trap the first beaver, $200 for three beavers removed. Live trapping is $200 a trap. He sells the fur to one of four buyers he knows in Maine. “The carcass usually goes to bait hunters who hunt coyote, or native Americans hunt bear in the spring on reservations,” Jones said.