Opinion: Maine needs tighter regulations to preserve its aquaculture industry

TIMES RECORD • April 27, 2021

Over the last 15 years, rules and regulations governing Maine’s aquaculture industry have been radically changed. The unintended consequence of relaxing the regulations is ironic since it jeopardizes the industry. By easing aquaculture regulations, Maine has opened its doors to large corporate entities, inviting them to set up shop in our coastal communities and drowning out the voice of Maine’s independent sea farms. Maine is duty-bound to uphold and manage our waters and submerged lands in perpetuity for the public trust, not for the financial interests of privately held companies or their investors. Numerous countries such as Norway, Scotland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have more stringent aquaculture regulations than the U.S. and Maine. ~ Jerilyn M. Bowers, Hancock