Maine Voices: It’s long past time to regulate the killing of our state’s coyotes


Many in Maine suffer from Lyme disease because of the continued absence of coyotes from the landscape, and many of our landowners are experiencing blatant private-property rights issues. Landowners are posting land they never have before. L.D. 1265, An Act to Control the Means of Hunting Coyotes, will make illegal the most unethical, violent and unsafe activities. First, it will be illegal to have hunting dogs chase coyotes to their death. Second, it will make it illegal to use bait to draw coyotes from their refuges and then shoot them. Lastly, this bill will make it illegal to kill coyotes at night. My experience as a scientist is that most citizens of Maine are not aware that there are basically no regulations on hunting coyotes. Individuals can kill them year round, day and night, and as many as they wish – and then throw their bodies away. Is this what we wish to pass down to our children? Or can we leave another, more enlightened legacy that speaks of restraint and respect? ~ Geri Vistein, Morrill, founder of the Coyote Center for Carnivore Ecology and Coexistence