Letter: Brunswick made the right choice about trash

TIMES RECORD • April 15, 2021

In the April 9 letters to the editor (“Modern landfills a more environmentally-friendly solution”), a Casella employee wrote a few things that misrepresent the situation with their landfill at Juniper Ridge, and implicitly question the recent decision of the Town Council to shift its waste disposal to ecomaine. There are three problems with their claim that the levels of emissions “per ton” at Juniper Ridge are the same as those in a modern incinerator. First, they only report on methane they capture, not methane leakage which they don’t measure. Second, they ignore electricity generation which they can’t do, and third, ecomaine’s incinerated tonnage will be less than Casella’s landfill tonnage because ecomaine recycles a larger fraction of the waste. The case for Casella is incorrect. The town made the right choice. ~ Rol Fessenden, Brunswick