Appreciate Maine In A New Way – On The Downeast Scenic Railroad

B98.5 • April 13, 2021

Why not see Maine the way your grandparents and great-grandparents saw our state - on a train. The Downeast Scenic Railroad is located in Hancock, just outside Ellsworth, Maine.  It operates on track that was originally part of the Maine Shore Line Railroad, which dates back to 1883.  Like other similar scenic railroads, the passenger cars are refurbished classic cars. The twelve mile long trip, which lasts about an hour and a half, takes passengers by small towns, over rivers & streams, and through marshlands.  It really is one of the most unique ways to see Maine. Tickets cost $17 for adults, $15 for seniors and veterans, and $9 for kids.  Children under the age of 3 are free.