SUN JOURNAL • April 9, 2021
Through 2020, Hydro-Quebec — a Crown Corporation owned 100% by a foreign government — spent a record-breaking $10 million to influence Maine voters, and this year, it has ramped up the spending. This despite the fact that foreign interference is illegal in state and federal elections by flouting a weakness in Maine law. Now it’s urging Maine lawmakers to leave the floodgates open, even though this sort of spending is illegal in Quebec. In addition, Hydro-Quebec in 2020 violated Maine campaign finance laws by filing a late disclosure in spending to influence Maine voters. For this violation, it was assessed a $35,000 fine. Urge lawmakers to pass LDs 194 and 479 to safeguard Maine referendums for Mainers and, if the Legislature fails to act on the petition signed by over 80,000 Mainers to stop the project — sending the question to referendum — we must vote yes this November to reject the CMP corridor. ~ Sandi Howard, Say NO to NECEC, Caratunk