I recently read an article celebrating women in science and how far we have come in how we are treated. Yes, we have made great progress, yet nearly every day I am reminded how far we must go. I work in a male-dominated field. My agency is 140 years old, yet I am the first woman to hold the position of commissioner. On my journey, I tolerated behaviors and comments because I was so happy to have my job, and I didn’t want to make waves or be thought of as troublesome. Once I achieved my dream job, Commissioner of the agency I love, I assumed the comments and behaviors would stop. They don’t. I have two requests for everyone. And a promise. First, call out inappropriate behavior when you see it, regardless of your gender, rank, or seniority. Second, be a role model, a mentor. I promise to promote an agency of inclusion, of professionals, where everyone has a voice, all are heard, and each individual is treated with respect. Intolerance and indifference are inexcusable. ~ Judy Camuso, Commissioner, Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife