A year ago, Maine unveiled its climate action plan. What progress has been made?

MAINE PUBLIC • December 1, 2021

A year ago, on Dec. 1, 2020, Maine unveiled a four-year Climate Action Plan, “Maine Won’t Wait,” which aims to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in the state by 45% by 2030 and 80% by 2050, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. On Wednesday, the Mills administration released a progress report that says Maine has made “significant strides” toward the ambitious goals established a year ago. “It’s no longer uncertain whether we can turn our plan into action, we have proven that we can,” the progress report states. “What is now certain is that we must continue to act with urgency to protect our state and its people against climate impacts and make the most of this moment in which we have the methods, and the means, to make a difference.”