BANGOR DAILY NEWS • December 9, 2021
The reason I love spruce grouse is that each one I’ve met has a distinct personality. No kidding. Male spruce grouse typically return to the same breeding spot each spring. You can often find the same bird on the same territory every year. You can get to know them as quirky individuals. That is how I came to realize that each grouse is distinctive. I’ve made the acquaintance of dozens. Not only can you get to know particular birds, but you can spend time with them. Males on territory don’t flee. In fact, often they will try to make you flee. Don’t get too close or overstay your welcome. Spruce grouse act tame, but they’d really prefer that you be somewhere else. Meanwhile, this holiday season, think of spruce grouse as a very different partridge in a pear tree. ~ Bob Duchesne