MORNING SENTINEL • November 25, 2021
According to the U.S. and Maine departments of agriculture: An invasive species is a species living in an area where it is not native and causing harm or disruptions (to environment, economy or health). The Maine Forest Service persistently warns against bringing firewood in from out of state, in order to keep out the Asian longhorned beetle, which is creeping slowly northeasterly, because it can decimate about 20 species of native trees. The emerald ash borer, which destroys ash trees and is already here, also spreads on firewood. Variable-leaf milfoil showed up in the Northeast in the 1930s and in recent decades has caused vexing problems in central Maine lakes. Nonnative plants and animals are popping up in our environment. How did then get here? Life finds a way, to quote a monster movie. ~ Dana Wilde