Maine Voices: What the world needs from the climate summit

PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • November 1, 2021

After decades of studying the climate crisis, scientists tell us that humans can prevent the damage it causes. The people of the world need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by ceasing to burn fossil fuels, like coal, gas and oil, and instead rely on renewable energy, like wind, geothermal and solar. The nations of the world are meeting in Glasgow, Scotland, for the 26th annual Conference of Parties on Climate Change. COP26 will be a success if the reductions pledged by the nations of the world will put us back on track to achieve net zero greenhouse gases by 2050 and keep the increase of 1.5 Celsius within reach. The world will also need specific pledges to end the use of coal and gasoline-burning automobiles. The developing world will need real financial support from the developed world to ensure that they can cut their own greenhouse gas emissions and fix the things that are harmed or destroyed by the climate crisis. The world knows what has to be done. We need the will to do it. ~ Rev. Richard Killmer, retired Presbyterian minister, Yarmouth