Maine Voices: Mainers must meet climate change challenges head on


Here in Maine, we’ve been national leaders on adopting tactics to thwart climate change. Still, we’re feeling the effects of global warming on a regular basis. On land, about two-thirds of the state faced drought this summer. Climate change’s impacts extend to our coastal waters, too. Sea-level rise has evolved into a persistent threat to Mainers who live near the shore. And that sea water isn’t just rising rapidly – it’s changing rapidly. The Gulf of Maine is warming faster than 99 percent of the world’s ocean. We can’t wait any longer. First, let’s increase our investments in offshore wind. We need to increase incentives in two ways to get drivers out of their gas-guzzlers. We have to change our ways or the climate crisis will worsen at an increasingly fast pace. Maine can’t wait. ~ Anya Fetcher, Environment Maine