Re: Maine should not be Massachusetts’ extension cord


The writer [James Bilancia] promotes false information. The power being brought from Canada enters the New England power grid. It is not an extension cord going to a specific location. The distribution of power is not controlled by CMP, but rather ISO NE, a not for profit company. Power is distributed across many states (RI, CN, NY, MA, NH, VT, ME) based on regional need and seasonal draw. At present, there is not enough input into the grid. One of the greatest future draws from the grid is projected sourcing for electric car charging, something the grid cannot do at this time. This power supply source is just one link in many steps of growing power needs for the northeast, not just MA. This is a future regional need via the grid, not a ME/MA conflict. We too in Maine will need more power from the ISO grid in the future. This is not a silver bullet, but is a piece of the puzzle, and better than the Wyman plant burning fossil fuels when it comes on line to meet our oversized needs in Maine. ~ RetiredMainer