SUN JOURNAL • October 30, 2021
In my 60 years in the deer woods, most of my encounters with other hunters have invariably been pleasant and convivial. A veteran game warden once told me that his career had taught him that, like the general population, most sportsmen are polite and law abiding, but there is that 10% that just don’t give a damn. We all as humans struggle to conduct our lives with more grace, sportsman or non-sportsman. A bow hunter who “stepped on my trapline” heard from me later at the parking spot after the hunt. He didn’t seem like a bad guy after all. A gung-ho bow hunter, maybe 50 years my junior, he struck me as just a supercharged millennial more focused on the hunt than manners or sportsman-like behavior. In time, he may mature and find some balance. ~ V. Paul Reynolds