Letter: No on Question 3

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 4, 2021

Although it sounds innocuous with a feel-good name, the Right to Food constitutional amendment will leave a bad taste in Mainers’ mouths for decades. In Maine, it’s economic hardship that leads to hunger or food insecurity. Question 3 doesn’t authorize a penny for the hungry. This amendment could pave the way for companies like Monsanto to do whatever they want to our food and could strip away animal welfare standards. It could take away the power of local governments to provide proper health and safety, anti-pollution and zoning standards, create confusion and invite legal challenges when it comes to enforcing Maine wildlife laws, while threatening the ability of legislators at the local or state level to ensure gun safety and animal welfare, including acceptable husbandry practices, wildlife management, zoning, and animal rights. ~ Gina Garey, Animal Behavior & Healing, Portland