Column: Preserving the exceptional views is part of the vision


The Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust, among others in the conservation community, has long considered Bald Mountain Pond as the highest priority conservation project along the entire 282-mile Maine AT corridor. Bald Mountain Pond has Arctic char, which are found only in 14 ponds. There’s prime Canada lynx habitat and wetlands for inland waterfowl and wading birds. Moxie Bald is home to rare and fragile Alpine and sub-Alpine vegetation. There’s also a large area of old growth spruce and fir forest. It was just about a year ago that the Trust for Public Land announced it had purchased more than 2,600 acres around Bald Mountain Pond and on the south ridge of Moxie Bald Mountain. The National Park Service now owns and manages the additional land on Moxie Bald, while the MATLT owns and manages the land around Bald Mountain Pond. Enjoy the big views and remember to tip your hiking cap to the conservationists for their amazing work in preserving this precious place. ~ Carey Kish