PORTLAND PRESS HERALD • October 27, 2021
The long-frustrated importation of renewable Canadian hydroelectricity challenges our society’s ability to defeat the climate crisis. The question is: will fossil fuel and nuclear generators be allowed to defeat or delay the increased renewable electricity necessary to power climate mitigation? Today those non-renewable generators are succeeding, with grave climate implications. We have a perilously brief time in which to defeat the suppression of renewable electricity by fossil fueled and nuclear generators. Renewable electricity is essential to enable civilization to defeat the climate crisis. But without full grid access for renewable electricity, the fierce urgency of climate action now will fail. ~ Anthony W. Buxton, Portland
[Note: Anthony Buxton represents the Industrial Energy Consumers Group, which supports the NECEC project. IECG members “include paper companies, ski resorts, and industrial gas companies.” In its most recently available tax return (2018), IECG reported more than $1 million in revenues (membership dues), all of which was channeled to the law firm of Preti Flaherty, where Tony Buxton serves as executive director, general counsel, and lobbyist for IECG.]