MORNING SENTINEL • October 27, 2021
Indian summer is a grace period. It’s disappearing. In recent years the stretches of chill that used to descend on cosmic schedule here in September, like the one that 45 falls ago turned an October day transparent, have been absent. No winter chill, no summer warmth. Twenty-two of the past 25 Septembers have been warmer than normal. As warmer weather invades, as it is inevitably going to do from now on, Indian summer recedes. The Wabanakis turned out to be tougher than anything white people could do to kill them. That spirit, whatever it is, lived. Toughness is a virtue. So is ancestral memory. Much more powerful even than sitting by a still, calm, crystal lake when you sense but cannot quite see through to the origins. I hope redemption glimmers somewhere inside a phrase. ~ Dana Wilde