BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 15, 2021
Michael Cianchette’s Oct. 8 BDN column “Battle over CMP corridor belongs in court, not at the ballot box” mirrors the narrative of the “No on 1” side of Question 1, which includes Central Maine Power. CMP’s narrative, I believe, is designed to confuse the voters and divert attention away from their wildly unpopular corridor that would transmit power from Quebec to Massachusetts. Contrary to CMP’s claim, Question 1 does not target businesses for actions that were legally done in the past. In fact, it achieves just the opposite. Further, the claim from No on 1 supporters that it is unconstitutional to pass laws retroactively is patently false. Title 1, Section 302 of Maine statutes gives legislators the ability to apply laws retroactively. In the last 20 years alone, the Legislature has enacted nearly 200 laws that applied retroactively with one dating as far back as 1911. Join me in voting yes on Question 1. It’s simply the right thing to do. ~ Maeghan Maloney, district attorney for Kennebec and Somerset counties