Letter: Let’s not remain captive to CMP

MORNING SENTINEL • September 3, 2020

The Maine Public Utilities Commission’s job in theory is to protect the consumer rights of utility customers. However, the PUC has authorized Central Maine Power to increase rates this year. Despite a $10 million fine, the rates increased on average $1.73 per month per residential household effective March 1. Effective July 1 was an additional rate increase averaging $2.50 per residential household to help pay for two storms. CMP will receive an additional $1.1 million and $1.6 million monthly. Over the allotted 36 months CMP stands to “recoup” $57.25 million to pay for repairs. Why do we continue to remain captive to CMP, Avangrid and Iberdrola? Hopefully efforts to defeat the New England Clean Energy Connect will translate into L.D. 1646 becoming a reality. ~ Christopher J. French, Vassalboro