Column: Dams are not ‘clean energy’

KENNEBEC JOURNAL • August 19, 2020

If you believe Hydro-Quebec’s dams will send clean energy through Maine to Massachusetts, you must read the book “Blue Deserts” by Stephen Kasprzak. When you do, you’ll know just how destructive these dams are. I’ve seen some of those dams and I know they’re bad for our climate and the health of people who live near them. But I had no idea, until I read this book, how terribly destructive these dams are, and not just in Quebec. I was astonished to learn that Hydro-Quebec’s dams caused Maine’s coastal waters to warm, resulting in the loss of a bunch of fish species. While we blamed the depletion of cod in Maine’s coastal waters on overfishing, the bigger problem was ocean warming caused by Hydro-Quebec’s dams. ~ George Smith