Staycationers and first-time campers are flocking to Piscataquis County

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • July 22, 2020

Visits to Maine’s state parks by residents are up by 35 percent so far this year compared to 2019, and while much of that increase is attributable to sites in the more popular southern part of the state, the trend toward “staycations” has not escaped inland parks farther north, including two in Piscataquis County. Lily Bay State Park, a 924-acre preserve on the southeast shore of Moosehead Lake near Greenville, has seen its use for camping and day visits by Maine residents increase by 30 percent. Peaks-Kenny State Park, an 839-acre parcel along Sebec Lake, has enjoyed similar increased use from Maine residents, with a 23 percent rise in camping and day use from 2019.