Rare, threatened dragonflies have annual hatch in Grand Isle


The Grand Isle boat landing has once again become the hotspot breeding ground for a rare species of dragonfly known to only be in three parts of Maine in June. The Ophiogomphus colubrinus or Boreal Snaketail, is an endangered dragonfly in the state of Maine and is known to be in the upper St. John River near the Grand Isle boat landing, the Penobscot River and the upper Saco River. The bright green dragonfly begins its life cycle in the water where they burrow in the bottom of the stream for several years in the larval stage. After shedding their skin up to 15 times, the dragonfly finally undergoes metamorphosis and emerges as a winged adult. The Boreal Snaketail is known to eat anything it can fit into its mouth including mosquitos and black flies.