Column: When the Wild Kingdom comes home

KENNEBEC JOURNAL • June 10, 2020

As we quarantined in our homes, a lot of wild animals took over our yards. Most of them, my wife Linda and I have enjoyed. But not all of them. One night two weeks ago, a bear tore down and busted our bird feeders. That bear also visited our neighbors and tore apart two of their beehives. We’ve enjoyed seeing a doe deer with last year’s fawn, and the turkeys that feed all over our yard. We also have a stunning array and number of birds. Today, I’m very worried about our outdoor industry — especially guides and sporting camps — and our small businesses. A lot of sporting camps will not open this year, because they depend on out-of-staters and they won’t be coming to Maine this summer. Guides have had almost all of their trips canceled. ~ George Smith