Looking back at conservation success stories in Maine in 2020

MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM • December 27, 2020

Here is a sample of the top conservation success stories in Maine in 2020:
Bald Mountain Pond - More than 2,600 acres around this pond were protected with the help of The Trust For Public Land.
Boundary Mountain Preserve - The Nature Conservancy purchased 9,608-acres of forest in Franklin County adjacent to 22,000 acres of public land in Quebec.
Pride Preserve - 188 acres were donated to the Presumpscot Region Land Trust, one of the largest preserves in Greater Portland.
Saco Heath - The Nature Conservancy added 113 acres to the rare Saco Heath to increase the preserve’s acreage to 1,387 acres.
Strawberry Creek - Harpswell Heritage Trust raised $350,000 to preserve two properties at one of the most iconic views in the scenic coastal town.