For one Mainer, welcoming hunters to his land paid countless dividends

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • November 2, 2020

Stephen Titcomb, who passed away in 2016, left a letter to explain why he welcomed hunters, hikers and campers onto his land. “I was brought up in New England in the 60s and taught to hunt at an early age. I roamed the woods with or without a gun, exploring, hunting and learning to appreciate the land. Growing up I rarely saw POSTED signs and was able to walk on most land. So when I bought my first piece of land, I vowed it would never be posted. Now, over 30 years later, my woodlot is still not posted. Last year I hired a fellow to dig a well and at the end of the day when I asked him how much I owed him, he said “Nothing!” I said, “What do you mean nothing?” He said, “I’ve hunted up here for years and I appreciate that you’ve never posted your land, you don’t owe me a thing.”